Amazing Agnimantha
Agnimantha or Arni holds an important place in Ayurveda and traditional Indian Medicine System, mainly due to its highly effectiveness in treatment of cardiac ailments and oedema. But that is not all; it has several other medicinal properties and health benefits that give Agnimantha such an important place. Instances of its uses in ancient India […]

Weary of Warts?
A clear skin makes you feel fresh. Even a small mark on skin leaves you very disturbed. One such mark that gets you worried is a wart. What is a Wart? Warts are small rough growths resembling blisters that develop on a person’s skin, most often on the skin of the hands or feet. Warts […]

Under Pressure
Are you suffering from High Blood Pressure and have been taking pills daily? Do not ignore… Hypertension is like a bad loan, if you wait long, you pay more! Ayurveda and Yoga can help you lower blood pressure quickly. Experts say that diet, lifestyle, and exercise tweaks can successfully control your blood pressure levels naturally! Around […]