Here are a few Ayurvedic remedies for treating HIV. The first step is to provide a healthy atmosphere to the patient. The patient should be given easily digestible foods, which provide nourishment to the body. Regular and easy exercises should be undertaken by the patient, who should also participate in productive activities. Several Ayurvedic tonics […]

While visiting Kerala’s beautiful backwaters of Allepy in a houseboat, one will get to see the mesmerising lagoons, lakes, canals and several native plants. Along with these visual pleasures, you will get the chance to feast on the traditional meal or Sadya served on a banana leaf. But before you get your hands on the […]

Do we know our mind?
One experiences mental activity every moment, in the form of continuous flow of thoughts, emotions, attitudes and abilities (vrittis), yet despite this intimacy with mental forms and processes, it appears that one does not know what is mind. We sense our ignorance of mind because for most of us, the mind is not under our […]

Pepper vines are of great help during cold, cough, chest congestion and tonsillitis. The ear, nose, and throat, share common anatomy and have similar mucous membrane linings. If infected, the pain and inflammation spreads across the organs. In the initial stages of infection, it is easy to get rid of these inconveniences by home remedies. […]

Pain anywhere in the body is distressing and back pain in particular is sort of crippling because it affects one’s posture and gait. It is important for people to be aware that ‘Pain’ anywhere in the body is a symptom. It is the result of some specific physiological imbalance. Its proper treatment lies in correction […]

Do You Have Varicose Veins?
Varicose veins are enlarged, elongated, tortuous veins. It can happen in any superficial vein on the body. But those commonly affected are leg veins. It is the penalty against upright posture of human body against gravitational force – sitting, standing and walking – increases the pressure in the lower limb veins. Varicose veins may be […]

Healing Diabetic Wounds
Foot infections and gangrene are common complications in people with diabetes. They may even end in the loss of a toe, foot, or even a leg! Read more to know about the condition and how to lower your chances of having diabetes-related foot problems with Ayurvedic treatment…. Diabetes mellitus represents several diseases in which high […]

Wood Apple Delights
Did you know that the fruit Bel or Bilwa works on Diabetes like a charm? Bel (Aegle marmelos) known as Bilwa in Sanskrit has both spiritual and medicinal properties. It is known as Lord Shiva’s favourite and is believed that worshipping this tree will bring prosperity in life. Hence it is also known as Shreephala […]
In Ayurveda, the neurological diseases are correlated to Vata vyadhis and in Ayurveda Pediatrics (Kaumarabhritya), these are considered as Samvardan vikaras with Vata dosha involvement. The awareness on pediatric neurological diseases is increasing with rising challenges of treatment. People are trying to seek treatment and therapy interventions. Currently, integrative treatment interventions for pediatric neurology has […]
JANAMASHTAMI SPECIAL “You are what you eat” is an old saying. This is based on a teaching from our shastras including Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Bhagwad Gita, and the various Upanishads. To acquire health and happiness, one needs to live a balanced life. This typically comes from Bhagwad Gita chapter 6 shloka 17 where Krishna […]