Patanga: Herbal water that’ll relieve more than just your thirst!

While visiting Kerala’s beautiful backwaters of Allepy in a houseboat, one will get to see the mesmerising lagoons, lakes, canals and several native plants. Along with these visual pleasures, you will get the chance to feast on the traditional meal or Sadya served on a banana leaf. But before you get your hands on the matta rice, aviyal and payasam, you will be given a glass of clear reddish-pink water, which the locals call as Karingali Vellam. It is a herbal drink made of a mix of spices such as clove, cardamom, ginger etc; but the major ingredient which gives the distinct pink colour is the Patanga wood (or Pathimugam in Malayalam).
This herbal water is rich in health benefits and has been consumed in Kerala since time immemorial. It is used in almost all Ayurvedic drinks (kashayams) and because of its medicinal qualities; it can be taken on its own as well. Boiling Patanga wood in water purifies it, and prevents the spread of any water-borne epidemics. It is an anti-thirst and said to be used for piles, cholesterol, blood purification, diabetes and problems of the stomach, kidney and skin. If the herbal water is used regularly, it helps in reducing headache and sluggishness. It is also called Kuchandana, as it is similar to sandalwood in qualities and usage.
The wood is a component of ‘Vicco Vajradanti’, a famous toothpaste and tooth powder of India. The powerful astringent, haemostatic, healing properties of the wood helps to stop bleeding in gums and give firmness and strength to the gums and hence, it is useful in mobile teeth, aphthous ulcers, stomatitis and gum erosions because of its strong healing action. It is also commonly used in several other Ayurvedic formulations.
What is the Patanga Tree? What does it look like?
The Patanga tree is flowering tree belonging to the family Caesalpiniaceae having the scientific name Caesalpinia sappan. It is a spreading tree or large shrub that grows up to 10 metres in height with a trunk of up to 14cm in diameter. The wood is orange-red, hard, heavy, and straight grained with a fine and even texture. The branches have small prickles and the bark is greyish-brown in colour. Leaves are compound with small prickles at the base. Leaflets are oblong, obliquely cut and stalk less. Flowering and fruiting is seen usually from April to December. The flowers are large, beautiful panicles of yellow. Fruits are thick, flat pods with smooth texture measuring 7-10 cm in length and 3-4 cm in width. They are oblique and prominently beaked with 2-3 seeds each.
Where is it found?
In India, it is found all over the Southern parts and in West Bengal, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh. Under natural conditions, Caesalpinia sappan, grows mostly in hilly areas with clayey soil and calcareous rocks at low and medium altitudes.
Ayurvedic Properties and Uses
The whole plant of Patanga is medicinal: aerial parts, roots and the heartwood. The heartwood is the part most extensively used in medicine.
According to Ayurveda, it contains Ruksha Guna (dry property), Kashaya, tikhta and madhur rasas (stringent, bitter and sweet tastes) and Sheet Virya (coolant potency).
It is useful in vitiated conditions of pitta, burning sensation, ulcers, wounds, leprosy, skin diseases, diarrhoea and dysentry (because of its tannic and gallic acids), epilepsy, convulsions, diabetes, white vaginal secretions, excessive menstrual bleeding, coughing of blood, blood clots and any ailment of the mouth and stomach. It has complexion enhancing properties (as it stimulates melanin formation) and is seen to be toxic to many cancerous cells.
Siddha Medicine (Tamil Nadu)
Known as Patangam or Patimugam, it is the “medicinal remedy to quench thirst”. It is also used as an astringent, emmenogogue, anti-inflammatory and anti-diarrheal. The astringent action of the wood is helpful to control diarrhea.
Modern Medicine
The Patanga tree is one of the ingredients of an indigenous drug ‘Lukol’ which is administered orally for the treatment of non-specific leucorrhoea (post IUD) and stops bleeding following IUD insertions.
What are the vernacular names?
In Ayurveda it is known as Patanga, Patranga, Kuchandana and Ranjana; In Hindi- Patang, Patrang and Bakam; In Kannada- Chakke mara; In Telugu- Vakamu; In Tamil- Pathangam, Pathimugam; In Malayalam- Sappannam and Pathimugam.
Self Help
Rosy Thirst Quencher from Kerala
For preparing this valued and amazing Kerala Ayurvedic water, firstly take a bowl and add water, pathimugam (patanga or sappan wood) and boil for about 2-3 minutes and later strain the water and serve water hot.
Sappan Wood for Diarrhoea
Prepare a decoction with the heartwood of Patanga. Drink twice a day.
Sappan Wood as Emmenagogue
Drink 100 ml of wood decoction of sappan wood once a day. Emmenagogues are the herbs/drugs or agents that induce or hasten the menstrual flow.
Sappan wood as Anti-inflammatory
Cut wood of sappan wood into small pieces. Boil them in water. Drink this decoction thrice a day.
Sappan wood for Dysentery
Prepare a decoction using bark of sappan wood. Drink 20 ml twice a day.
Sappan wood for Wounds
Crush dried seeds of sappan wood. Sprinkle it over wounds.
Sappan wood to curb Acne
Washing your face with sappan wood water can be an effective acne treatment. Brazilein, a red pigment found in sappan wood extract has shown to fight Propioni bacterium acnes that cause acne and inflammation of the eyelids.
Best for Sugar Patients
Sappa wood has got blood purifying qualities and the herbal water is considered to be a good drink for diabetic patients. The healing water is also used as a cure for kidney disorders, skin diseases, cholesterol and blood purification.
Those hoping to buy sappan wood can find it in most stores that stock Kerala products or at Kerala Ayurvedic stores. The pale pink hue looks amazing when the water is poured into crystal glasses. Squeeze a bit of lime into it and sweeten it with honey for an interesting take on lemonade. Hot or cold, have a cupful today and enjoy every day for its many health benefits.
Sachets of this magic potion drink powder are also available at I-AIM Healthcare Pharmacy, just mix in water and consume. Contact 080-28567000/ 8050347000 for more details.