Pepper Vines for Ear, Nose and Throat

Pepper vines are of great help during cold, cough, chest congestion and tonsillitis.
The ear, nose, and throat, share common anatomy and have similar mucous membrane linings. If infected, the pain and inflammation spreads across the organs. In the initial stages of infection, it is easy to get rid of these inconveniences by home remedies.
Pepper vines are of great help during cold, cough, chest congestion and tonsillitis. These plants look alike and belong to the family Piperaceae. Black pepper and long pepper are commonly found items in kitchen spice box. Offering betel leaves or ‘Paan’ to Gods and guests is a common practice throughout India. The vines prefer shady moist environment. They can be easily grown along with a supporting tree or a stalk in a limited space in any home garden.
Betel leaf (Piper betel)
It is a soft stemmed climber. Leaves are heart shaped; bright green in colour and last for many days. The climber bears small white flowers in spikes. Leaves have a special, peculiar taste. It is commonly believed that by chewing betel leaves with betel nut and little calcium, improves digestion.
How to Grow?
1-2 plants are sufficient for a home garden. Around 25 cm length of stem is required for planting. Two or three vines are adequate for a garden. Wet organic soil will help rooting.
Care: Every day watering is required. Plants grow well in partially shaded areas. Plants should be tied to neighboring trees or climbing frames.
Part used: Leaves
Collection: Either young or old leaves can be collected by hand picking, as and when required.
Home Remedy
Wash leaves and extract juice. Mix 2 tea spoons with ½ spoon honey. Consume this after half an hour of lunch.
Allow children to eat 1-2 tender leaves to stay away from cold related problems.
Vernacular names: Sanskrit: Tambula Kannada: Veelyadele Hindi: Paan Malayalam: Vettila Tamil: Vetrilai Telugu: Tamalapaku English: Betel leaf
Black Pepper (Piper nigrum)
It is a climber, leaves look like betel leaves. It is a spreading vine and produces roots wherever stem touches the ground. The flowers are small, and spike may be up to 6 inches. Fruits are initially green which later turn in to black.
How to Grow?
Two or three vines are adequate for a garden. The plants are propagated by cuttings about 40 to 50 centimeters long. Cuttings grow well in partially shaded area. Wet organic soil will help rooting. Plants should be tied to neighboring trees or climbing frames.
Part used: Seeds
Home Remedy
To prevent cold and cough, roast few pepper seeds and grind them in to powder. To half spoon of honey, mix a pinch of pepper powder and consume every day morning.
While making tea, add ½ tea spoon of pepper powder and boil it for 5 min. Add normal tea powder and sieve. Mix milk and honey as desired.
Vernacular names: Sanskrit: Maricha Kannada: Menasu Hindi: Kali mirch
Malayalam: Kurumulaku Tamil: Milagu Telugu: Miriyalu English: Black pepper
Long Pepper (Piper longum)
Long pepper is a slender climber with cordate shaped leaves. The leaves are shining and have short petiole with entire margin. The flowers are unisexual and borne on different plants. Male spikes are longer than female spikes. Fleshy fruits are embedded in the spikes which turns red when ripe and black after drying. Flowering and fruiting occurs during monsoon season.
In Ayurveda the herb known to pacify ‘vata’ and ‘kapha’ doshas while increasing ‘pitta’ dosha. It is regarded as a ‘rasayana’ herb, which helps in soothing body and promotes longevity. The combination of black pepper, ginger and Hippali (three peppers) is called ‘Trikatu’ in Ayurveda. This stimulates ‘Agni’ or the internal digestive power and kills ‘ama’ or toxins.
How to grow?
One can easily grow 2 plants in a medium sized pot or in ground for home garden. The plant can be trained around tree trunks or pillars. If grown in hanging pots, it will add beauty to front elevation of the roof.
Part used: Spike
Home Remedy
Dried long pepper is made in to powder and stored in air tight containers.
If children are suffering from cold and cough, mix approximately 3 gms of finely ground Hippali powder with honey and make them to lick 3 times in a day.
Soak ¼ tea spoon of coarse Hippali powder in 1 tea spoon of hot water and keep it for a while. Mix this with 1 tea spoon of ghee. Administer this twice in a day. This is good for sore throat and tonsillitis.
10-20ml of decoction of Hippali can be orally administered during hoarseness of voice or cold.
Other uses: It is also used for digestion, liver health, metabolic, parasitic and malignant conditions.
Vernacular names: Sanskrit: Pippali Kannada: Hippali Hindi: Pippali Malayalam: Thippali, Tamil: Tippili Telugu: Pippalu English: Long pepper
Grow these vines in your garden and stay away from ENT diseases.
To purchase these saplings, contact I-AIM nursery at: 080-28567000/ 8050347000, email: [email protected]