Surgery without Knife – Parasurgical Procedures in Ayurveda

There are huge numbers of diseases like hemorrhoids, fistula-in-ano etc. which can effectively be cured using para surgical methods of Ayurveda. These are simple to conduct and withstand, very effective in terms of cost and benefits.
Among 8 branches of Ayurveda, Shalya Tantra (Surgery) is imperative for its immediate action and utilization of all surgical and para surgical procedures. Anushastra karma or para surgical procedures are a special branch of surgery in Ayurveda. These are the special methods of managing the surgical as well as nonsurgical conditions using anushastra (those instrument which can act as surgical instruments but not as superior as them). Virtually all diseases explained in Ayurveda, at one or the other stage could be treated using para surgical methods with due consideration to indications and contraindications.
Para surgical methods are usually applicable for children and delicate people and for those who are scared of surgery or surgical instruments.
Presently para surgical procedures practiced in Ayurveda are Agni karma (direct heat is used for cauterization), Ksharakarma (chemical cauterization. Here, alkaline preparations are utilized for cauterization) and Raktamokshana (bloodletting).
Agni Karma (Cautery)
When medical, surgical and remaining para surgical procedures fail to treat, agnikarma cures the disease from the root. Diseases treated with Agni karma will never reoccur. Agni karma is the procedure wherein direct heat is applied over the prescribed area using different instruments made of pancha loha, mud, and excreta of goat, pippali, tooth of cow, honey, jaggery or different medicated oils. These are specifically used depending on whether the disease is located in skin, muscle tissue or the disease situated in vessels, tendons and bone joints.
Agnikarma cannot be practiced in summer and late rainy seasons. There are definite points/sites in the body for doing agnikarma; like for diseases involving head, it should be performed over eyebrows, forehead, and temporal region. It should be practiced with due consideration to affected area, marma sthana (vital spots in body), tolerance capacity of the patient and the strength of the disease as well. Pitta prakruti persons, internal bleeding, foreign body inside, weak personalities, very young children and old people cannot undergo agnikarma. There are typical does and don’ts following agnikarma procedure; not following of which will lead to complications.
Nowadays agnikarma is done using silver, copper, alloy or iron rods. This method is largely replaced nowadays by electric cautery to arrest the bleeding during surgery, to excise the pediculate warts, cutting the tissues etc.
Kshara Karma (Chemical Cautery)
Among all the surgical and para surgical methods, kshara karma is considered as ‘the best’ because it does all the functions of a surgical instrument. It is used in different forms like that which is taken internally as a medicinal drink for obesity, indigestion, bloating, kidney stones worms, internal masses etc., powder which could be applied over the diseased area like skin diseases, tumours, haemorrhoids, fistulae, warts, corns, polyps, scars etc.; a pessary made of alkaline drugs for using in abscess cavities or sinuses, or a caustic thread (kshara sutra) prepared out of alkaline drugs used for piles, fistula, hemorrhoids. This kshara sutra is proved to be the best treatment among all the available treatments for fistula- in-ano presently. It is painless and does not require anesthesia and hospital stay.
Rakta mokshana (Bloodletting)
Ayurveda explains the importance of blood in the body, diseases caused due to vitiation of blood and the treatment for the same. Main principle of treatment is bloodletting and there is variety of modes for bloodletting. Among all the methods used for bloodletting, using leech and venesection have become most popular.
Leech Therapy
Leeches are used for a wide variety of diseases including surgical and non- surgical disorders. Supremacy of leech therapy is explained in Ayurveda saying that leeches suck only impure blood from the mixture of impure and pure blood, like swan, which sucks only milk from a mixture of milk and water. Exercise, intercourse, cold bath, day sleep, exposure to breeze and food having alkaline, sour, and spicy taste should not be consumed during and soon after the hirudo therapy.
Contraindications for leech application are bleeding disorders, haemophilia, pregnancy and anemia. It can be used as an independent method of treatment in chronic inflammatory diseases and which are difficult to treat.
Hirudotherapy should be regarded not only as a preventive maintenance, but also as a method of treatment at ischemic diseases of heart insult and other vascular pathologies, at the disease of exchange at endocrine disorders, nervous disease and at all inflammatory diseases and so on.
Although well-developed conventional system has answered the majority of the ailments through well advanced surgeries, acceptability for the same in terms of effect of the treatment, pain caused, the cost of the treatment, reoccurrence rate etc. has become very poor for certain diseases like ano-rectal conditions, vascular diseases, wounds, ulcers and skin disorders, neurological conditions etc. Ayurveda shows the glimpses of its excellence in such conditions by treating these with para surgical procedures. Appropriate selection and conduction of these procedures will lead to the best solution ever.
I-AIM Healthcare Center has a team of expert Ayurveda surgeons effectively performing non-invasive Aurvedic surgeries on a daily basis.
For more information and appointment details, Contact: 080-28567000/ +91-8050437000