Do we know our mind?
One experiences mental activity every moment, in the form of continuous flow of thoughts, emotions, attitudes and abilities (vrittis), yet despite this intimacy with mental forms and processes, it appears that one does not know what is mind. We sense our ignorance of mind because for most of us, the mind is not under our […]

Jungle Geranium or Ixora coccinea is one of the most popular flowering plants of gardens and landscapes. Results from recent research studies carried out, reveal that Ixora coccinea is a potential candidate as the active ingredient of products for topical application as skin whitening and anti-ageing in cosmetic formulations, along with its traditional applications in […]

No Woman, No Cry
How many times have you seen females complaining of Back Pain? Quite often! Girls with lower back problems usually experience pain from a sports injury or an accident. In these cases, lower back pain is due to a pulled muscle or strained ligament. Carrying heavy backpacks is another cause of back pain in young people. […]

Just as mature trees in the orchard can produce the best quality fruit, the female body can produce high quality eggs in its mature years. All that is needed is the right nutrients and a hospitable environment in the body and the womb. It is a commonly held belief that career women who have delayed […]

Pain anywhere in the body is distressing and back pain in particular is sort of crippling because it affects one’s posture and gait. It is important for people to be aware that ‘Pain’ anywhere in the body is a symptom. It is the result of some specific physiological imbalance. Its proper treatment lies in correction […]

Deepavali or Diwali is a festival of lights filled with joy, fun, sweets and savouries.Binging on a whole lot of tasty and oily, spicy foods can upset the tummy during this festive time. By virtue of the season, Pitta is predominant both in the environment and body.

My Tummy Hurts, Mummy!
Tummy aches are common for children. Read about some home remedies you can try for the same.

Know about piles… causes, preventive measures, and even non-surgical intervention for it.

Chewing Tobacco and Dental Health
What can chewing tobacco do to your teeth? Smokeless is not harmless. Read our blog to find out more . . .