In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, the unwelcome companion of back pain often seeks to make its presence felt. While there are various remedies available, exploring the healing powers of nature through soothing and pain-relieving drinks can be a delightful and effective approach. In this journey towards well-being, our latest blog dives […]

Bring your Back on Track
Stressful life, travelling, workouts or ageing- all these lead to one most common health problem i.e., backache. It is one health issue which makes us restless and if not taken care of, results in making routine terrible. Here are a few home remedies to get rid of that backache: Mix camphor in coconut oil […]

In one word,” acne” is a pain! And the worst part is, they make a grand entry on our face when we least want them to. Acne Acne starts with the over-production of sebum from the sebaceous glands which results in the blockage of the pores with a sticky mass of the dead cells and […]

Amazing Agnimantha
Agnimantha or Arni holds an important place in Ayurveda and traditional Indian Medicine System, mainly due to its highly effectiveness in treatment of cardiac ailments and oedema. But that is not all; it has several other medicinal properties and health benefits that give Agnimantha such an important place. Instances of its uses in ancient India […]

Pepper vines are of great help during cold, cough, chest congestion and tonsillitis. The ear, nose, and throat, share common anatomy and have similar mucous membrane linings. If infected, the pain and inflammation spreads across the organs. In the initial stages of infection, it is easy to get rid of these inconveniences by home remedies. […]

Jungle Geranium or Ixora coccinea is one of the most popular flowering plants of gardens and landscapes. Results from recent research studies carried out, reveal that Ixora coccinea is a potential candidate as the active ingredient of products for topical application as skin whitening and anti-ageing in cosmetic formulations, along with its traditional applications in […]

My Tummy Hurts, Mummy!
Tummy aches are common for children. Read about some home remedies you can try for the same.